Sunday 8 October 2023
Gladstone’s Library, Church Lane, Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3DF
I was at Gladstone’s Library in North Wales, talking about writing in an interactive afternoon session.
Wonderful to see “Northern Boy” as part of #LGBTHistoryMonth. Thank you, Hove Library. @unbounders
If you want to read about my childhood fear of death by Satanic cult, my high school boy crush, my Prince obsession, my stalker, my aversion to combat, my disastrous adult circumcision and more, my new book is out in 3 weeks and available for pre-order.
I am absolutely delighted to be returning to @speakingtiger14 for the publication of my non-fiction book narrating the 19th century Goan engagement with the Indian Ocean empire, Arabs and Africa. Many thanks to my agent @therealnaomib at A Suitable Agency. It's going to be super.