You can purchase Reshma’s three titles directly from this website, using the  ‘Add to Cart’ buttons below (each title £10.00 with free postage):

Still Lives (novel)

Mrs Pinto Drives to Happiness (short stories)

A Dinner Party in the Home Counties (poems)

“Displacement emotional or geographical is a predicament of our times. We are more interconnected yet lonelier than ever.”

– Reshma Ruia,
Kitaab, 4 January 2017 

“It is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ that interests me as a writer, but the murkiness of human experience and the consistent imperfections of our lives.”

– Elizabeth Strout

Reviews of Still Lives

“Compelling characters, fantastic prose, sexy, funny and wise.”

– Heidi James

‘’Such a wise, human novel about belonging, dreams and disappointments. The Malik family-PK, Geeta and Amar, felt so real, and so broken, I read the last part with my heart in my mouth. It’s one of those novels that leaves you bereft, like you really need to talk about what happened.’’

– Emily Devane

“Read through first 100 pages of Reshma Ruia’s book and am absolutely loving it. Have not come across such beautifully observed British Asian fiction in a very long time. Make this one a best seller.”

Selma Carvalho


New novel – Still Lives, published by Renard Press. Out now.

Still Lives is the winner of the 2023 Readers’ Choice Award.

My novel, Still Lives was launched a year ago at Blackwell’s in Manchester and this week it won the 2023 Readers’ Choice Award at Waterstones, Piccadilly in London. Thank you to all you wonderful readers for showing your love for this novel, for sharing it with your friends and family and for voting for it in the Diverse Book Awards. It takes a community to lift a novel, and to spread its message far and wide and I’m so happy that Still Lives has struck a chord with so many of you. Here I am at the Award ceremony in London:

Still Lives selected for The People’s Book Prize.


Still Lives shortlisted for The 2023 Diverse Book Awards.






“This is your must-read book for the summer.” – Selma Carvalho

A peripatetic childhood that spans India, Italy, France and Britain. Reshma Ruia is at home nowhere and everywhere, a magpie, cherry-picking facts and fables from every culture and society. It’s what writers do – everything is material. They are scavengers and creators. Their roots are portable. Their imagination infinite.

She has a PhD and Masters (Distinction) in Creative Writing and Critical Thought from Manchester University and postgraduate (Distinction) and undergraduate degrees from the London School of Economics.

Born in India, but brought up in Italy, her narrative portrays the inherent tensions and preoccupations of those who possess a multiple sense of belonging.

She is Fiction Editor of

Guest Book Reviewer Words of Colour.

Decades: Compiling the Ultimate Library with Reshma Ruia. It was a challenge to only pick one book per decade from five consecutive decades. There were so many that had to be left behind!

Reshma Ruia, the UN Economist – turned Writer
Asian Voice, 3 November 2014


We at the Twitter Loser Colony understand that there are much better sites, but we are too old and anxious to move there. Some of us are also perfectly happy at AOL and some of us still use the terms “glove box” and “bathing suits.” We are doing the best we can.

Congratulations @RoseDiell
FLEDGING is out! 📕🥚 🦅 🥚 📕
‘Smart, surprising and wonderfully thought-provoking’ - Bobby Palmer
‘A wonderful new voice’ - Farrah Storr
‘Wildly original’ - Therese Shechter

@renardpress @thebobbypalmer @farrah_storr @trixiefilms @indienovella

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